Trapping at Yookamurra |
This is a new blog for me. It is unlike other blogs I have written. It is more a diary or a journal. It is a place where I can keep a record of my travels and my thoughts as I find new adventures and new experiences.
The beast |
I will be setting out, at least on this trip in my newly bought Toyota Land Cruiser Camper. It is a 2003 model and I have already taken it for a run up to Daintree and back. In the next day or two I will be setting out for Western Australia to do volunteer work at Mount Gibson. I am working for Australian Wildlife Conservancy. I have worked with them before at Scotia in NSW and at Yookamurra in South Australia. I have done pit-fall surveys, trapping bettongs, monitoring numbats, monitoring malas and showing school groups around.
I will be at Mount Gibson from the 12th to 26th October. I will work as part of a group and we will be using a range of traps to take a survey of an area newly fenced with a feral free fence. Australian Wildlife Conservancy want to do a survey of animals within this area so that in the future they can monitor how these populations are faring.