From Hermannsburg I travelled out to Palm Valley to camp for the night. The police recommended it but warned about the road; other tourists had said the same sort of thing. There were 4WD signs along the way and one even described it as 'extreme 4WD'. The road was bumpy and full of pot-holes; at times it was along an empty creek bed and finally up over boulders. However the troopy handled it all well...and in 2WD.
Palm Valley is a dry place. It gets less than 200 mm of rain a year but there are pockets which are fed by hidden springs. Unique to the area are the Red Cabbage Palms. Although they are found in Northern Queensland, this is the only place they exist in the Northern Territory. The place is like an oasis of natural beauty. The drive in was interesting. The wildlife was interesting; I managed to get photographs of a Spinifex Pigeon (an aim I had had for many years) and the Splendid Wren. There were also wild horses on the road in and at the camping ground there were an abundance of birds drinking from the creek. There were also hot showers! While I was at the showers a dingo visited my van, examining my cooking gear. It was spotted by the campers next to me.