The trail down into Standley Chasm was about a kilometre and a half and a little 'scrambly'. You had to cross a creek and scramble over a few rocks. There were a number of tourists already in there, including a couple who must have been in their early 70s. The wife was also on crutches. I thought that was pretty good going.

I was to meet this couple a few times more at various gorges. The next time I met them was when I was admiring a Unimog vehicle in a carpark. It was a go anywhere vehicle and painted on the side was a map of the world with various trips marked in. I was surprised to find that it belonged to the couple I had met.
The pair were from Northern Germany and were travelling around the world in their vehicle. They had been away from home for two years and had travelled across Asia, Indonesia, East Timor, most states in the USA and the Sahara desert. They were still hoping to do all Australian states, Canada and Alaska before returning home in time for Christmas next year. they had flowed home once when her sister had become ill.
The vehicle seemed to have everything. Solar power, toilet, shower, TV, great views, sink, cupboard. They had researched it and found this was the right size to still be able to do four-wheel driving. They had only had a few minor mechanical problems. A minor switch was needed between petrol tanks. It took 6 weeks to get this part sent. It was now in Australia, but they weren't sure where.